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When Your Mood Changes Daily in Lockdown
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I always thought I was emotionally well-balanced. Covid19 has shown me otherwise.
My mood seems to change daily. One day I’m cool, happy and getting on with what I need to do, the next day I’m irritable, surly and almost supremely despondent.
What gives?
Am I incapable of just sitting at home and maintaining an emotional balance?
So many people throughout history have been through a million times worse than me; I’m privileged to have a roof over my head, food in my belly, a laptop & internet connection and live in a country without war.
Hell, I’m luckier than half the planet currently, but somehow I can’t suck it up for long enough for my mood not to swing high to low, and then right back again, like a yo-yo.
Seriously, what gives?
It might not just be me. Everyone I’ve spoken to is going through some kind of daily emotional lucky-dip.
It’s like the ‘shuffle’ button is pressed when your brain’s deciding how you’re going to feel that day. “Well yesterday wasn’t bad, so how about a bit of anger for…